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The New York Urban League formed an alliance with the Hispanic Federation, Coalition for Asian American Children and Families, and Asian American Federation, along with the Black Agency Executives, to create the Communities of Color Nonprofit Stabilization Fund (CCNSF). CCNSF provides capacity-building support to Black, Latino, and Asian-led community-based organizations throughout New York City’s five boroughs.
The first New York City Council fund of its kind, CCNSF supports New York City nonprofits, recognizing that organizations led by people of the community are best equipped to meet the needs of the community.
The New York Urban League provides CCNSF grants to community-based organizations that either primarily serve a majority of African Americans as their constituency or have a 51% minority leadership as part of their board/executive staff. NYUL has distributed over $9M in CCNSF funding to 298 organizations to date. The grants will address a comprehensive menu of infrastructural needs, including leadership development, financial management, and outcomes system development.
The 2025 Request for Applications will be open from October 11th - November 12th. To learn more click below for more information.
2024 CCNSF Recipient Spotlight
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